Rogers Lake
West Shore Association


Rogers Lake West Shore Association announces the installation of a Little Free Library

Little Free Libraries are a global phenomenon.  The small, front-yard book exchanges number more than 100,000 around the world in over 100 countries—from Italy to Brazil to Japan.  Now, a new Little Free Library at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse, at 75 Rogers Lake Trail, Old Lyme, will join the movement to share books, bring people together and create communities of readers.

Our Little Free Library belongs to the whole community.  The Rogers Lake West Shore Association Board says “It’s our hope that this Little Free Library will bring a little more joy, a little more connection and a whole lot more books to our community.”

Children and adults are invited to take a free book home from the bright red Library on a post located next to the Clubhouse sign.  It’s open 24/7.  Phoebe’s BookCellar at the Old Lyme Library provided the initial stocking of the shelves and will monitor the LFL so there will always be new books available in addition to those community members donate as a “take a book, leave a book” exchange.

Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading, builds community and improves book access by fostering neighborhood book-exchange boxes around the world. LFL received the 2020 World Literary Award and has been recognized by the Library of Congress, the National Book Foundation and others for its dedication to expanding book access for all.  To learn more, visit

How Does This Library Work?

This Little Free Library 

offers a way to share good things to read—favorite books from your childhood or books you would recommend to friends; books that teach, intrigue and engage you. All of us can help by keeping this collection stocked with good reading material.


Whose Library is this? It belongs to everybody—neighbors, friends, and people we don’t even know yet. Anyone can use it. That’s why we want to take care of it.


Take a book. If you see something you’d like to read, take it. You don’t have to give a book at the same time as you take one.


Share a book. After you’ve read it, share it in any Little Free Library book-sharing box, bring it back here, or pass it on to a friend. Be a friend of all libraries, big and small. Share books whenever you can.


Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading, builds community, and sparks creativity through neighborhood book-sharing boxes.